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Author Topic: Guidelines for all Forum Members!  (Read 5587 times)

DIY Flamethrowers

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    • DIY Flamethrowers
on: August 23, 2020, 12:50:26 AM
This forum is entirely for the discussion of the Torch Exhaust Flamethrower Kits sold by If you are looking to purchase a kit or already own a kit, you can use this forum to further your understanding as to how the kit works, how to install it, how to maintain it, and how to troubleshoot any issues you may have months or years down the line. I, Matt Torch of DIY, will try to help everyone to the best of my ability. I also welcome current owners to provide information to help those knew to the kits.

With that said, this forum has many categories and boards that are specific to their scope and purpose. Please take the time to find the proper category and board to create a new topic. There are strict rules when using this forum to keep the message in scope and so that the forum is not abused. These rules and regulations are as follows below:

Spam is not tolerated on this forum. Any member spamming posts with links to outside products will be IP banned, and their links censored over the entire forum and website. This is usually suspect of bots, but certainly, individuals will try to spam forums with their links. This behavior is not allowed on this forum!

If you own a shop that sells any sort of items, even if automotive related, DO NOT post links without Admin approval. This includes social media accounts that are specifically tied to online stores. First-time offenders will be temporarily banned, repeat offenders will be permanently banned.

There is no place on this forum for political speech. Full stop! Keep to yourself when it comes to your political beliefs. They are not welcome here. This includes, but not restricted to

Refrain from using profanity in your posts. This is not necessarily an offense that would warrant a ban. Using profanity is only welcome when used specific to your current post. Do not direct such profanity towards others in your posts, or you will face a permanent ban.

Use them and be permanently banned! There is no tolerance for racism and racist slurs on this forum. If you are a racist, no one wants you here on this forum.  Good bye!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 11:42:31 PM by DIY Flamethrowers »